Appointments: The final word


I have an update on the appointment booking system.

Short version: I’m moving to a straightforward waiting list for appointments.

Nobody likes waiting lists but this is the most fair system. My previous attempt at managing this was overly complicated and — let’s face it — bad. I’m sorry.

If you were already registered for notifications, I’ll contact you (in order of the time and date you registered) to arrange an appointment. For anyone coming in fresh, click the appointments button above to register. Thank you.

The longer version (because I always have a longer version) is this:

I’m a bloody idiot. I tried to avoid having a waiting list mainly because I felt bad telling people they were on a list and would have to wait a number of months there before I could see them. So I tried a weird ‘lottery’ system where I opened for a period and everyone went nuts trying to get an appointment before they were all gone. If you weren’t fast enough, you didn’t get in and probably ended up waiting even longer because the lucky/fast people were now ahead of you. What was I thinking?

The fact that system was like trying to use Ticketmaster should have been a clue that it was a dreadful idea. I’m sorry.

Now, I don’t like waiting lists and you certainly don’t like waiting lists but it really is the fairest way to do this. So, a straightforward waiting list is the way I’ll be handling things until something changes. Name goes on the list, I work through the list, I contact you when I reach your name.

So, thank you once again for your massive patience and understanding on this. Thank you for bearing with me as I figure this out. Thank you for waiting. It genuinely means a lot. You rock!
